Monday, March 26, 2018

Brief 6 / Digital Business Card / Primary Research / Survey / Results

Based on the results from the survey we tried sending the questionnaire to our desired target audience 18-35 year old through social media but we have also managed to collect data from other age groups as well to get the best possible data.

The comments left as "Other" were very helpful to gain an insight into the idea and take our research further. Many voiced an opinion on how print is still relevant and other showed concerns that sharing content like this may be easy to steal information. Luckily this is something that will be covered in the overall idea and design of the app. As stated in the section of the survey, the only information you wish to share will be shared and just like any app on your phone, the information will be protected by the developers. It has not been stated that the app is a means to replace printed business cards as someone stated that if your phone dies you are without means to share your information. This is something that the user will have to tackle themselves by keeping the phone charged or as stated this is not a straight-up replacement. Take the money, for example, it is stated that it won't be until 2050 that printed money is taking out of production, there will be a transition period. Although this is not the means to replace printed business cards from day one it is the inevitable goal of the application.

Some other comments left were that it may be harder for the older generation to get to grips with an application like this. Once again this is true and great feedback but as the app is aimed predominantly at younger adults this would be more the demographic we hope to use the app.

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