Friday, March 30, 2018

Brief 6 / Digital Business Card / Wireframes sketches

Josh and I decided to sketch the ideas into a wireframe layout. We used the primary and secondary research that we've have collected and put this into the designs as it's crucial that we make the app easy to navigate and very user-friendly. 

The designs became very clear and relatively consistent because of the research gathered. Most of the designs consisted of:

1) Business card page.
2) A contacts page.
3) A featured page that allows you to edit
4) About the App, Which is just necessary to explain in more depth.

In the survey, we had a concern about number two, we have considered that some people don't want certain social media links with their businesses so we have created an edit function that allows the user to edit what information they want to share.

The Primary Function and goal of the application is to allow people to share details at the touch of a button and be able to sort through your collection easily. We need to keep this in mind throughout the design process and make sure we do not add any unnecessary features.

Monday, March 26, 2018

Brief 6 / Digital Business Card / Primary Research / Survey / Results

Based on the results from the survey we tried sending the questionnaire to our desired target audience 18-35 year old through social media but we have also managed to collect data from other age groups as well to get the best possible data.

The comments left as "Other" were very helpful to gain an insight into the idea and take our research further. Many voiced an opinion on how print is still relevant and other showed concerns that sharing content like this may be easy to steal information. Luckily this is something that will be covered in the overall idea and design of the app. As stated in the section of the survey, the only information you wish to share will be shared and just like any app on your phone, the information will be protected by the developers. It has not been stated that the app is a means to replace printed business cards as someone stated that if your phone dies you are without means to share your information. This is something that the user will have to tackle themselves by keeping the phone charged or as stated this is not a straight-up replacement. Take the money, for example, it is stated that it won't be until 2050 that printed money is taking out of production, there will be a transition period. Although this is not the means to replace printed business cards from day one it is the inevitable goal of the application.

Some other comments left were that it may be harder for the older generation to get to grips with an application like this. Once again this is true and great feedback but as the app is aimed predominantly at younger adults this would be more the demographic we hope to use the app.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Brief 6 / Digital Business Card / Initial Ideas (Draft)

The initial idea is to create some sort of mobile application that young adults can use to share their information similar to that of a business card.

This would include:
  • Social media profiles
  • Contact Numbers
  • Email Addresses
  • Portfolios
  • Websites

The app would not force you to share any information you do not wish to share and would allow you to create different versions of your business card. This would be to send out to both professional and personal contacts.

When discussing the information with Harrison his views differed slightly from my own. He wanted to create the app based inside of another popular application, Snapchat. This does make sense for the current trends as Snapchat is a major competitor to most social media applications. I argued that Snapchat would not be very professional when meeting potential clients or professionals. It would be fine if the app was solely for personal use but it would mean missing out on a huge potential audience. It was agreed that the idea of adding the app into the mobiles already implemented wallet application would make sense. There would be ease of access to the application and part of the main body and development of the app is already there. This would mean you are able to use the application for both business and personal use.

We now need to gain feedback on this idea to then develop it further.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Brief 6 / Digital Business Card / Secondary Research / Library

As we wanted to expand our research further than just digital business cards we thought looking at digital marketing as a whole would help benefit our understanding of this area.

We came across a book called Understanding Digital Marketing: Marketing Strategies for Engaging the Digital Generation that explained the four P's of marketing which are price, place, promotion and product. Damian Ryan further explained that these were right at the time, however, Damian has re-done them for our current generation.

The general overview of the 10 points above very much explains that's it has always been about the customer from the past to the current and even the future. As we are creating a digital business app we need to focus on engaging with the user and how the app will be appropriate to use over the traditional printed method but also creating an experience for the user.

In the article Conceptualizations of the Materiality of Digital Artifacts and their Implications for Sustainable Interaction Design”, Jung, Blevis and Stolterman explain that the digital era strives to inform us how our era has changed the way we design tangibles, and what materials we choose to use in the design process. This relates to our brief as we do not want to remove, but gradually replace the foundation of a traditional business card and the need for physical. 

Brief 6 / Digital Business Card / Secondary Research

Why A Digital Business Card is the way forward? 

It's it suggested that 88% of the networking we do is a waste of time because that's the percentage of business cards that get thrown away after one week. This is such a big problem on the environment and the effort people put into networking at events and making contacts and the vast majority is doing absolutely nothing for the individual who's producing them. This isn’t even to mention the time and money that goes into business card design and the cost of card printing. The solution would be a  digital business card.

The Reason Why Traditional Business Cards are Failing?

Technology has rapidly increased however business cards have been around since the 17th century meaning they're quite a challenge to take on. Business cards are so ingrained in our image of what doing business looks like it can be hard to imagine what a world without them would be.

The Problem is, that the way we connect with each other is changing. It's is almost impossible that how we use business cards will stay the same. 

The main problem with a traditional business card is that they largely don’t work for their intended purpose. As stated above 88% of business cards are thrown out within a week, meaning it doesn't even matter how well designed or produced the card  

Josh and I are pretty concerned that 88% of business cards are thrown away within a week. It doesn’t matter how much effort that went into the design or production that’s still the number we are are working with. 

Friday, March 23, 2018

Brief 6 / Digital Business Card / Primary Research / Survey

Is Print Dead?

Often the statement "print is dead" is used to signify that the digital age will soon be all that is known. Most young people have a smartphone and therefore they have access to the internet. Job offers or important discussions happen online on a digital platform. By 2050 it is thought physical printed money will no longer exist and will be solely digital.

With this information in mind, other means of print have to change with the times. The idea is to create an app linked to your smartphones wallet that allows a sort of digital business card for the user. It will be optional to use and optional what information you share on there and with whom. For instance, you’re in a job interview or meet an important client and need to pass on your information. With a tap of your phone using NFC technology, they have access to your online portfolio and Linkedin account. Another example of personal use would be meeting new people in everyday life or even at a party or club. Once again with a tap of the phone, you are able to find all the social media they have shared on their device and even means to contact them through their phone number.

The idea of the app is to save on print costs for business cards and to save on time or awkward situations of silence while sharing details. This would also cut down on environmental issues and potentially save millions of trees.

Based on the information above and your own opinion please answer the following questions:

1. What age range do you fit into?
15 - 25
25 - 35
35 - 45
45 +

2. Do you think the future will be entirely digital?
Other (please specify)

3. Do you prefer digital or print?
Other (please specify)

4. Do you believe digital versions of everyday printed items are more environmentally friendly?
Other (please specify)

5. Would an app linking all your social media accounts for either personal or professional use, be useful?
Other (please specify)

6. Is print needed?
Other (please specify)

Brief 6 / Digital Business Card / Primary Research / Students

Speaking to Fellow Peers

We started the primary research by asking fellow peers in the class about what they think about traditional business cards and why they're failing. The biggest concern that came up was that most people didn't need the service that was being provided. however, this didn't mean they didn't like the person or their work they just didn't need what they were offering at the time. 

We discovered that the general feedback was mainly positive about creating a digital business card just purely because of simple of matter that it doesn't take up space and that it doesn't need to be put away in a wallet. However, because this was done in a graphic design classroom we thought that the information could have been a little bit biased. This meant that we had to create an online questionnaire which will be sent out on social media to get a better understanding of what people think.

We analysed the feedback that we collected from the class and how a digital business card may solve this problem. As from previous research, we gathered that a huge percentage of business cards are thrown away, a digital card will more likely last longer and not be immediately deleted as they may need to contact you if they need a product or service at a later stage.  

Even though 88% of cards are thrown away within a week doesn't mean that the 12% that do keep your business card will ever contact you. 

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Brief 6 / Research Brief / Digital Business Card / Brief

How to solve a problem, Brief - OUGD60
As this brief is quite a large one it made sense to use two heads rather than one. Both I and Josh Storey from the same course had similar ideas on this subject so, we decided to work together. The idea came around when discussing business cards and portfolios and how could this be collated. We put our combined ideas and research together to start this brief.

Students and young professionals often use social media every day of their lives. It is also argued that attention spans have dropped dramatically. With this in mind, it would be more beneficial to use digital business cards. This would save time on personal encounters as well as professional meetings. It would also reduce our waste of paper and actually make it easier to organise our collection of business cards at a touch of a button.

This brief will be researched lead and should be backed up from sources collected both online and within print. Both primary and secondary research should be conducted. The final outcomes should be presented visually.

The Problem:
Business cards waste paper, they’re not sustainable or environmentally friendly. The world is moving into the digital age why aren’t business cards. Contact information should be transferable at the touch of a button not through spoken work or long digital searches.

The Task:
Design a digital business card application for mobile devices. This should link to social media, online portfolios and other information that would be helpful in contacting new friends or professional contacts.

Target Audience:

Young Professional
Age range, 18-35


The digital age
The role of print media in the digital age
Is print dead?
Primary and Secondary Research
App Design

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Evaluation / Brief 3 / Live Brief / Secret 7 / Brief / Outcomes

Doing Secret 7 whilst doing other briefs in a short amount of time has been a difficult experience in itself, however, being a 3rd year student I’ve used this pressure to push my skills and knowledge forward and to create an outcome that’s at a very high standard but also shows what type of designer I am as well. 

Using my own primary research skills have really helped in this project as it’s important to know what the target audience is and what will sell in an exhibition space. I have managed to keep to a time schedule and didn’t go over the 2 weeks that I set myself to do this brief.

Being able to use my 3D skills in this project that i’ve being improving on in my ppp with my self-taught projects has allowed me to create a piece of work with meaning but also very fresh and modern.

Brief 3 / Live Brief / Secret 7 / Brief / Further Development

The feedback that was suggested was to make the letters inside the shapes to show the signals of needing help but to make the letters on a angle so you can’t really read them unless you spend more time on the piece of art.

I was also suggested to make the cover more rounded and symmetrical the only way I could possibly do this was layering a group of roses that also shows love (relationship), I decided to take the texture of the roses and create my own metallic look to make the abstract shapes and flowers work together.

Brief 3 / Live Brief / Secret 7 / Brief / Idea Generation & Feedback

Idea Generation & Feedback

As I’m designing in 3D software it’s very hard to know what outcomes I can achieve as somethings are harder than others to produce, this meant drawing it out on paper would be very time consuming, As I might not be able to design what I draw because the software is really heavy on memory usage meaning my laptop runs slow whilst designing the outcome.

I began playing around with shapes  and using an attractor which allows the shape to come closer together, I then added a soft body allowing the shapes to visually show suffocation, As the song is called help I wanted to add the 3D letters in the artwork without it being directly seen the first glance as the brief says not to use the title of the song in the work.

As I won’t be creating a load of ideas, It was only right to keep showing people in stages what I am producing so I can keep developing and keep getting critical feedback on my work.

Monday, March 19, 2018

Brief 3 / Live Brief / Secret 7 / Brief / Research


Who are London Grammar? 

London Grammar are an English indie pop band from Nottingham, formed in 2009. The band consists of Hannah Reid, Dan Rothman and Dominic ‘Dot’ Major. Their debut extended play, Metal & Dust, was released in February 2013 by Metal & Dust Recordings, while their debut album, If You Wait, was released in September  2013

What makes a good exhibition sleeve?

As I already know from my previous entry that the majority of sold sleeves at the exhibition are the weirdest and most colourful designs you can possibly imagine. From my last entry, it lacked in colour, meaning no one really paid attention to it at the exhibition, This has informed me to push my personality more into my sleeve and just go crazy with my design and colour. 

The lyrics of London Grammar - Help

Remind me of a relationship between two people who are suffering together and are wrapped in a situation which they need help with, it’s like the lyrics are calling for a guidance call.

I’ve always thought it’s strange that designers and bands want the album to look very much the way the music sounded but appreciates how these two creative expressions feed into each other. 

Jonathan Zawada is a designer that i’m really inspired by he’s influenced my work in the last two years he explains that the reciprocal relationship between music and art; how not only do visuals give a more tangible meaning to music, but music can likewise breathe new life into art and help people make sense of it. Zawada has informed my design decision and i want to produce a piece of art with a very strong message to the audience when listening to the song.

Brief 3 / Live Brief / Secret 7 / Brief

Secret 7

Secret 7” takes 7 tracks from 7 of the best-known musicians around and presses each one 100 times to 7” vinyl. We then invite creatives from around the world to interpret the tracks in their own style for every 7”. 700 unique sleeves are exhibited before going on sale on a first come, first served basis priced at £50 each. You don’t know who created the sleeve, or even which song it’s for, until you have parted with your cash - the secret lies within.
Since 2012 we have produced 3,500 one-of-a-kind records for 35 different tracks. We’ve sold every single one and raised over £175,000 for great causes.

The Task:

Create a new album cover for the 2018 tracks listed on the website. Do no use the track artist or track name on or in the design.


In level 4 I was successful enough to get into secret 7 with my Jack Garrett artwork, however I found out at a later date that my work didn’t sell at the exhibition which was a bit disappointing but it did sell on the secret 7 eBay account for the standing price of £50 which went to charity. I personally felt the reason it didn’t sell at the exhibition was that it wasn’t quirky enough and didn’t really have any personality to the artwork itself. This year I have found myself as a designer and I really want to push my style as far as possible and will be re-entering again this year. 

This year, I really want to focus on my passion which is 3d design, as I believe they grab people’s attention a lot more and they look a lot more fascinating than a flat design. I personally feel that 3d design is something which the future is getting closer to however with the equipment and resources we have in today society it  has huge impact on 3d designers, as it’s can be quite a struggle to render images out on a basic laptop which means I could be rendering a photo for eight hour and  the image  might not be the result I was looking for. 

I will be doing the same again as level 4 and just focusing on just one artist and one design, As I will make sure that every little detail is correct and that i’ve submitted another really strong entry to the competition.

Looking at the list of songs, I chose to pick the most current artist again as I feel like it has more of a chance to be recognised on a more global scale instead of someone who isn’t really producing music anymore in our era. it was really clear that London Grammar was the most current artist so I felt it was the most suitable option to pick. However, I know this comes with a downside of being the most popular option but I feel that my type of design work is quite a niche for this competition and will stand out from the rest. 

I will be setting myself a two-week limit with this brief as my renders will take quite a long time to render in Cinema 4D.