Friday, February 16, 2018

Brief 2 / D&AD Brief Collaboration / Hasbro Brief / Initial Ideas

After reading over the brief we decided that it would be best to expand on our research and think of three-game concepts on our own.

We then schedule a  date and time to swap ideas and discuss our thoughts and concepts on the brief and what will be the most effective game for the target audience that Hasbro is looking for. (16-26-year-olds)  Matt presented a range of ideas which I personally thought were a lot stronger than mine due to fact that matt later explained that in the brief it states that drinking should not be promoted and that the use of screens and phones should not be a necessary part of the game. However, this didn’t say we couldn’t try to incorporate the idea of adding social media and drinking in different areas of the game but this would be decided by the consumer and not the game itself.

This can be done by making expansion packs that can be bought, as when I presented the idea to the fellow peers in the class by doing forfeits that are social media related, making players do things such as change their Facebook name or upload an embarrassing picture. People really enjoyed the concept however it couldn’t be the main focus due to the brief.

The idea that personally I felt was the strongest concept was matt first idea which was inspired by the traditional game ‘simon says he explained that it’s a card game that “challenges the memory skills and reaction times of players”.

The aim of the game is to try and trick other players by using the ‘Deceit’ cards. When reading out an ‘Action’ card, players can act their individual deceit to try and catch players out. If a player completes an action whilst the reader acts out their deceit, they lose a life token and must give it to the reader. If a player loses all their life tokens, they are out of the game. The winner is the player with the most life tokens left after 30 minutes of play. If players are tied, the player with the least ‘Action’ cards wins

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