Sunday, December 31, 2017

Evaluation / Brief 1 / D&AD Brief / Adidas Brief

The final outcomes for this brief have taken me a considerable amount of time to do due to getting very critical feedback from the former global brand manager of adidas which if I was in the first year I would of possibly just wrote it down and never come back to the brief, however as the feedback was only going to benefit my design work, I felt it was important to change all the changes that I could possibly do which has made my campaign a lot stronger and more global.

The design work for this campaign is aesthetically spot on, I could see Adidas running with the message, The campaign definitely fits well with adidas brand history because of the research I looked into. 

The feedback that was given has drastically improved this project and I feel that negative feedback is the best possible feedback you could possibly get not only have I managed to gain feedback from someone who’s been in the industry but also I’ve managed to keep in contact with him via email.

Personally, I don’t really have many faults with this brief, however, time schedule has become a problem a little due to doing this brief whilst doing my dissertation and also gaining feedback that made me change the whole campaign name meaning every small detail needed to be changed.  

This project has allowed me to focus more on branding and to research into a brand core meaning allowing me to create a strong campaign for the d&ad brief